Posts in the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Have we reached the “Point of No Return”

The percentage of Americans that are either overweight or clinically obese has now reached 75%! I know that diet and exercise have been shown REPEATEDLY to be a sound and effective why to combat body fat. When you hear someone who lost weight and asked “how did you do that”? The answer has a high

GET FIT 21 day challenge

Recently I was invited to coach this 21 day diet ad exercise program.  I couldn’t really coach it if I hadn’t experienced it, so I decided to go through the program to see how it really worked.  It was just 21 days, three weeks.  The coach, Judy, set up a private Facebook group for the


If chronic pain is impacting your life and overall health and well-being, please let  us help.  A consultation costs you nothing. We use gentle techniques that are proven effective and have decades of experience helping others to achieve a pain free and function life.

Get Back The Man Who Romanced You. How to defeat “old man syndrome”.

Do you look at a picture of your husband and think “what the heck happened to him”? Do you wish he was more enthusiastic, energetic, and responsive? If you answered yes, read Get Back the Man Who Romanced You: How to DEFEAT “Old Man Syndrome.” He may be going through hormonal changes that can be


3700 S. Russell St. Suite 100 (Russell and 39th) Missoula, MT 59801


(o) 406-830-3333 (c) 406-880-3047

Website by Jennaya Peterson