GET FIT 21 day challenge

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Recently I was invited to coach this 21 day diet ad exercise program.  I couldn’t really coach it if I hadn’t experienced it, so I decided to go through the program to see how it really worked.  It was just 21 days, three weeks.  The coach, Judy, set up a private Facebook group for the participants and gave us links to all the information we needed for the challenge.

THE FOOD/DIET PART:  The first week we had two meal replacements that were high in protein. We pre-ordered the product so we could have it ready on day one.   The one meal for the day was a healthy one consisting of foods that were one the list.  There was a wide variety, but mostly whole foods that were not processed.  The next two weeks we had just one protein/meal replacement drink and two healthy meals.  Now, the meals/drink were spaced throughout the day, approximately four hours apart to regulate blood sugar levels.  Once a week we had a meal that consistent of ANYTHING you wanted to eat, mine was usually PIZZA.

THE EXERCISE PART:  We were to exercise at least 30 minutes a day.  The exercise could be something that we were already doing or some exercise from an informational list.

THE EDUCATIONAL  PART:  Every day we received emails and FB post that were highly educational with scientific information about health.  They were really good.  I read them all.

THE ACCOUNTABILITY PART:  Throughout the day we did FB post to our “secret” group of our meals and our exercises.   I thought this would be difficult and time consuming, but it was actually fun to do and to see what others were doing, as well.

THE RESULTS:  At the end of each week we posted our results.  Many people lost weight, lost inches, and/or had other positive health changes, such as more energy, better concentration, and better sleep. I actually was amazed that I was less stiff and sore in the mornings.  I thought that stiffness was just because I work out a lot and am “getting older”.  I was very pleased!

YOUR TURN:  If you would like to “jump start” your 2018 I invite you contact me about the GET FIT 21 day challenge.  I know you must have questions.  I had plenty of questions.  406-830-3333 or 406-880-3047.  Or visit the website.




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3700 S. Russell St. Suite 100 (Russell and 39th) Missoula, MT 59801


(o) 406-830-3333 (c) 406-880-3047

Website by Jennaya Peterson