Our Services

Chiropractic Services in Missoula

Click the tabs below to toggle between our services and learn more about them, and how they can help YOU feel better!  Please feel free to call and ask us questions.  Or if you would like, come in for a free consultation.  Schedule now by calling  830-3333.

The chiropractic adjustment is how the Chiropractic Doctors (D.C.) aligns the spine and reduces spinal subluxsations (misalignment).  Dr. Patricia Skergan and Dr. Jim Helmer use precise chiropractic techniques of Activator,  Integrator, Arthrostim, and percussor.  These instruments are very safe and highly effective They feel really good and  very relaxing.   There is no twisting or popping.  It’s Chiropractic without a twist!

The hand held Activator and Integrator deliver a precise light force impact with speed.  It is the speed that makes the impact effective but painless.

The Arthrostim is a mechanical instrument that feels like a tapping pressure.  It fires about twelve times faster than muscle, so it overrides the spasm response in a very short time.  We also use it along the spinal joints, activating the nerve plexus.  This causes deep relaxation (activating the parasympathetic system).  Essentially it is like a whole body tonic.

The percussor (most people’s favorite) is an elegantly designed mechanical instrument for breaking adhesion in the connective tissue of the body.  It feels like a massage with the end result being softer and more supple muscles and increased range of motion in the joints.

The wonderful thing about these instruments is that they can be used on all parts of the body; knees, hips, shoulders, ankles, etc. We address the whole body, not just the spine.  So if you are having shoulder, knee, hip ankle, foot, or other body issue please let us help!

Laser Therapy activates the cellular energy necessary for healing. It’s used to treat infections, injury, pain, inflammation, cold sores, arthritis,  immune system health, headaches, sinusitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, scar healing, circulation and more. Laser Therapy activates energy production within the cells that enhances healing and health. The laser is painless and most feel nothing.  Laser Therapy  increases the production of cellular energy (in the mitochondria). The increased energy produce by Laser Therapy is used to make antioxidant enzymes and antioxidant proteins which help neutralize free radicals, thus decreasing your healing  time, and increasing your body’s ability to regenerate tissues, improves blood circulation, pain, wound healing, and immune function.

Players in the NFL, NBA, NHL use Laser Therapy to get back in the game as quickly as possible.   Interestingly, the exact model of laser that we use was used by Lance Armstrong during the Tour de France to decrease healing time and the US Olympic training facilities.

Did you know that ¼ of the bones in the body are located in the feet?  Without proper foot alignment and arch support stresses occur not only in the feet but ankles, knees, hips and spine.  We use a precise digital weight bearing foot scanner to build your customized orthotic devices. These orthotics simply slip into any of your shoes.
The Body functions and heals, in part, by electrical conduction.  The body is ELECTRIC!  We use two types of sophisticated electrical devices to aid in your healing process, interferrential and micro-current.  Because of the word “electric” we frequently are asked if the current will shock.  The answer is NO.   It cannot shock, burn or electrocute you.  If turned up very high, it can only annoy  you.

INTERFEFENTIAL CURRENT: Conditions the muscle, decreases muscle spams, and decreases deep inflammation in joints.  It feels rather soothing.

MICRO-CURRENT:  Micro-current is the healing current of the body.  Micro-current decreases pain and significantly speeds the healing process.  It can be used for skin, joints, muscles, sinuses, etc.  The current is usually not even felt but is working on a deep level of healing.

Using an electric point stimulator on the acupuncture points of the ear we  address meridians or the body (energy pathways) to aid healing of different conditions.
With 30 years of dietary counseling and research we are proficient at addressing your dietary concerns and testing to ascertain what nutritional supplements your body may need.

What you put into your mouth has an enormous impact on how you feel and how your body functions and heals.  You are totally unique and your dietary needs and preferences are totally unique.  Every recommendation is tailored especially for you.  Generally, we recommend whole foods and whole food supplements.  After decades of experience, we have found that changing eating habits is the ONLY sustainable  dietary pathway.

Dr. Patricia Skergan is A.C.E. Certified in both group fitness and personal training.  She offers small group exercise classes in functional fitness.  The 45 minute classes are designed to improve your balance, strength, flexibility and activities of daily living  The resistance training also improves bone density,  muscle strength, and brain coordination.   Classes are designed to be safe, fun, and enjoyable.

If you would prefer one on one training, this can also be arranged. Call or text to schedule or receive more information: 406 880-3047


Dr. Patricia Skergan and Dr. Jim Helmer address the whole body.

Start moving better, feeling better, and being better with their help today! Call 406-830-3333 to schedule, or request more info. Read more information on Helmer Family Chiropractic’s services below, or check out our blog for health and wellness tips.



With the use of hand held Chiropractic Adjustment Instruments, a precise alignment is delivered to your  spinal joint(s).  The purpose is to affect your nervous system for healing and health maximization.  In a properly aligned spine, the nervous system (which controls all aspects of the body) is functioning at its best.


Custom foot orthotics MissoulaThe base of your support is in the your feet.  They must be properly aligned in order that your ankles, knees, hips, and your back can mechanically function optimally.  Because of age, injury, and weight gain our feet can loose their normal and natural arches, causing a myriad of pain and problems.  Talk to us if you have knee pain, hip pain, or  plantar fasicitis.

Cold Laser

3This magnificent healing tool increases the power in the cell by increasing the anti-oxidant activity.  Bottom line for you is increased ability to heal and decreased healing time.


4Want to make a change in how you feel, look , and function?   Dr. Jim and  Dr. Patricia have decades of experience in helping you achieve your fitness goals and address your nutritional concerns.  All programs are tailored to you.


3700 S. Russell St. Suite 100 (Russell and 39th) Missoula, MT 59801


(o) 406-830-3333 (c) 406-880-3047


Website by Jennaya Peterson